Thursday, August 06, 2009

From the Pages of the NME

I'm sorry that I have been unable to update lately. Please check out the comments section of the June 29th entry if you would like to see the entire Let It Be book. I will not be doing any more scans since it is readily available for all who would like to view it.

Today, I present scans from the vault of the New Musical Express, the UK music weekly that has been in publication since March 1952. This was the first UK magazine to develop a music chart, inspired by Billboard in the US. From the beginning, NME were champions of the British music scene, particularly that of the Beatles.

In recent years, Uncut magazine has been publishing classic articles and photos from the archives of NME, including three Beatles-related issues. The pictures and articles here were taken from Vol. 1, Issue 1. The articles offer great insight into the Beatles' world and a unique perspective as well. It is also interesting to see the vintage yellowed piece of paper that have been torn from an issue.


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    this is great :)
    I love your blog, your efforts are really appreciated ^_^

  2. Greaat =) Thanks for posting this!
    Do u know where is posible to find the photoshoot of A Hard Days night? I mean aaaall the photos that appears at the end of the film. Thaank you


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