Sunday, August 19, 2007

John's Psychedelic Home Movies

Tonight's post is comprised of screen captures from the unique edit of the "A Day in the Life" promo as it appears in the film Imagine: John Lennon. These Kenwood home movies have a decidedly psychedelic flavor to them. I particularly love the frame of John and Julian, both dressed in orange, embracing with their backs to the camera. We also see John's beautiful black cat Pepper, who is also featured in the 1968 Ethan Russell photographs of John and Yoko. By slowing down the video and capturing certain frames, I noticed things that pass by so quickly for the first time. I hope you enjoy this closer look.

Seeing John and Ringo together at Kenwood during this time period immediately brings to mind the hilariously stoned skits/songs they recorded in John's home studio. Terry Doran (from the motor trade) also appears on the tapes. John noodles on his Mellotron, and all engage in nonsense humor and song. Some titles include "Pedro the Fisherman," "Chi-Chi's Cafe" and "Daddy's Little Sunshine Boy." A few of these home tapes are in circulation, though some remain privy to only a select group.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    this is the promo Video of A Day In The Life.

  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    i love pattie in that pic. She was so pretty.

  3. Anonymous--

    Is that the unique Imagine: John Lennon edit, or one of the other two versions created in '67? I don't have high-speed internet and don't fool with YouTube at the moment.

    These screen captures are from the '88 film--a new version for the film.

    Why don't you sign your name, or a screen name?

  4. Hey! Sorry I haven't been commenting lately... I just saw this post on beatlepics and wondered if some of them came from your blog...

  5. I'm with you, the orange frame of John and Julian is lovely, thanks for grabbing these screen caps for us.

  6. Great screen shots! Love your blog, by the way...
